
Mostrando entradas de agosto 16, 2023


 Hi, today I’ll be writing about me  I'm Constanza Cofré, I'm  studiying Graphic Design  at Universidad de Chile and this is they fourth year of my career.  I´m from Los Vilos. I lived there for 15 years. There,  the weather is fresh  all year. I moved from Los Vilos for studies.                                                                                                                          Los Vilos I have two sisters and two brothers: my two sisters live in Santiago with me, one brother lives in Iquique with his family and my other brother lives in los vilos with my parents and my dogs; My dogs are Minie, Florencia and Hachi and they love to go running on the beach. I really like the beach and going for a run with my dogs. My favorite colors is blue, because of the skai and ocean, I love the movies, which is a hobby that I  inherited from my sister  as a child. My favorite movie is The greatest showman because it  is about  dreams, for me dreams  are very important be