
 Hi, today I’ll be writing about me

 I'm Constanza Cofré, I'm  studiying Graphic Design  at Universidad de Chile and this is they fourth year of my career.  I´m from Los Vilos. I lived there for 15 years. There,  the weather is fresh  all year. I moved from Los Vilos for studies.


                                                                              Los Vilos

I have two sisters and two brothers: my two sisters live in Santiago with me, one brother lives in Iquique with his family and my other brother lives in los vilos with my parents and my dogs; My dogs are Minie, Florencia and Hachi and they love to go running on the beach.

I really like the beach and going for a run with my dogs. My favorite colors is blue, because of the skai and ocean, I love the movies, which is a hobby that I  inherited from my sister  as a child. My favorite movie is The greatest showman because it  is about  dreams, for me dreams  are very important because  they are what gives life a meaning.

                                                               The greatest showman 

                                                                See you in the nex post!


  1. I haven't seen The Greatest Showman yet, but with that cast it seems to be a great movie.


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