A Festival, Exhibition or Show



Hello how are you?

 I hope well, I tell you that I am a person who loves art, I love going to plays, dance performances, but today I will talk about a concert that I went to in the year 2021 in a pandemic, it was the Morat concert, a Colombian band, that sings pop style music, and romantic, that year the concerts were not the same as the other years since you had to wear masks and there were seats to keep your distance, which at the time it started of course was not respected, I went to That concert at the Movistar Arena as a birthday present from my cousin. I went with my cousin and my sister, the three of us have the same taste in music. I loved that day apart from being in a pandemic and concerts and mass activities were just being cancelled, so it was like an escape from the reality that was being experienced. Besides, as an opening act, a guy who had very good music sang, and the group sang all the songs that I love, plus I was lucky enough to save a pick from the band and a drumstick. We spent about 3 to four hours in the Movistar, we arrived in the afternoon with daylight and left at night when it was dark.


                                                              See you in the nex post!


  1. i don't listen to morat from long time ago, but i remember it was a great band


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