Bye-Bye Bloggers


Today I will talk about my semester, this semester has been the most difficult of all my years of study, because I had a huge academic overload, because I was with practice, portfolio, and seminar that in this branch design students do our memory.

At the beginning of the semester I was super excited because I would start my internship, during the internship my perspective changed, I am a person who finds it a little hard to change my environment, and the first day of internship I just wanted to cry because I didn't like people, and I hate having to sit looking at a wall, Then I started to integrate more and my perspective of the situation was changing, but it was complicated to manage my time because I was leaving internship very late and the weekends were very short which made me go long from Thursday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday, which was very tiring for my body.

Last week I finished my practicum which made me feel relieved, and I felt less pressure and more time to complete all the assignments since I was basically focused on responding well to the practicum and seminar which took too much time.

The truth is that I have no idea of the grades, I only know that in English I got a 67, which would be my best grade, and in the rest I have not received the grades yet, because on Monday I defend my practicum and I hand in the written report and all semester I had individual deliveries, so I could not say with whom I liked to work the most, But I did like to work with two people, Constanza Benítez and Erik, both were the ones I worked with the best during my career because they were very respectful with what the other thought and with the other's time.

During the semester I really enjoyed this course because I have always been intimidated by English classes, but coming in without fear allowed me to be able to answer everything I had to answer. 

I am very happy to finish the semester because I really want to sleep, also if I pass English :) it would be my last class of the career, since everything else is over, the truth is that these years of study passed quickly, now I only need a degree project and my last internship, which makes me feel very happy because I really want to graduate, since this year was very exhausting and the most difficult of all.

                                                                       Good bye 


  1. English this semester was much more entertaining than last semester.


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