FP Top 5



Today I will talk to you about 5 things I did this week of university break.

1 Work:

Even though we had a week off, I still had to continue with the university practice, I still felt relaxed because I could get up a little later, for example, on Monday I start at 11:30 since I come to classes, so I normally I get up at 6:40 AM this time I got up at 8:00 AM. On Tuesday and Thursday I came in at 9:30 AM so I maintained my routine by getting up at 7:00 AM, I left practice at 6:30 PM so my routine was maintained during the afternoons.

2 Sleep

In my life I have always tried to sleep 8 hours, but this year I have not been able to achieve it, I do try to sleep at least 6 hours this week I was able to sleep a little more from 11 pm until approximately 6:30 am, that allowed me to rest .

3 Travel

As I mentioned before, the previous week I had to work so I had to stay in Santiago until Friday. On Friday afternoon, I traveled with my sisters to see my parents, who live in Los Vilos. The trip to Los Vilos by bus We took 3 hours and by car 2 hours and 30 minutes, this time my brother came to pick us up since we were going to take longer on the bus due to the traffic that is generated at this time, we tried to leave before 6 in Santiago but We were delayed due to nonsense, so at the beginning of the trip there were not so many vehicles until the traffic began to stop at the Las Vegas toll as a result of the traffic congestion, my brothers decided to stop at a copec so that we could go to the bathroom and since the The trip was going to be long from what it seemed, when we resumed the trip we were lucky that most of the people stopped at the copec and the road was miraculously uncongested, which took us only 3 hours and 30 minutes to get to Los Vilos .

4 Walk with my dogs

Whenever I travel to Los Vilos what I do or do do is go for a walk with my dogs, we always go with my parents and my sister and most of the time we go to the beach this time we went towards some ravines because the ground is firmer Everything was green and blooming as a result of the rains. The first day we went we had to return after 15 minutes because there was a lot of wind and coastal troughs. The rest of the days we went earlier so we took advantage of more time before the wind came out. We were approximately one or two hours walking taking advantage of nature.

5 Cousins ​​meeting

On Saturday we got together in the afternoon with my cousins, this is always our custom that on long weekends we get together for at least 2 hours, this time we get together longer because we get excited talking approximately we arrived at the house around 4 PM from my cousin and we left at 12 Pm.

                                                              See you in the nex post!


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