A Book



Today I will talk about books, I love reading, I started to like reading when I was 13 or 14 years old, and if I am honest what I read most are love books, the first book that I liked to read was Francisca Yo Te Amo by José Luis Rosasco, maybe many know it because it belonged to the reading plan of the school, this text called my attention to some books.

My favorite books are two, Anaa Karenina by the Russian writer Leon Tolstoy which was published in 1977, the other one is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen who is a British novelist, this book is from 1813. It is difficult to say which one I like more, there are movies of both if you do not like to read, but if something is true movies are not the same as books.


The book I will talk about is Anaa Karenina, this story is a bit long and tangled, but I will summarize this novel is about romance and infidelity, it focuses on the main character who is Ana who is married to Count Karenin and they have a son named Sergei, she begins to have an extramarital affair with Count Vronsky, she falls in love and both elope to Europe,after this Vronsky begins to get bored of Ana, then they return to Russia where Ana is erechasada by the high society on the other hand Vronsky could make his normal life, Ana begins to feel jealous of Vronsky she thought that he was cheating with other women, Karenin gives the divorce to Ana but this was denied, Ana desperate for the insecurities that generated Vronsky commits suicide by throwing herself to the train tracks. 

 The truth is that both texts Pride and Prejudice and Anaa Karenina are books that you have to read, they are a classic within the romance novels, the truth is that I recommend both, both are a bit complex to read product of the time, because if you compare the most current romance books, as the author Nicolas Sparks who has released several books like The Notebook of Noa that many know him for the movie besides being well known, they are faster to read, I still recommend this author, he has many texts that are beautiful and to cry.

 See you in the nex post!


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