

Today in this post I will talk to you about my English, the truth is that I am terrible at English, although I try to learn it, it is difficult for me.

When I entered school almost from the beginning they started teaching us English, that was in first grade, I understood numbers and colors very well, then they changed my teacher and it became a little more difficult for me because I was falling behind. The truth is that I didn't learn, so I wasn't very interested in the class, leaving it aside, I don't know why I didn't have a red average in the subject, but during that period I dedicated myself. . . learn Portuguese instead of practicing my English. Already entering university, at Federico Santa María all my friends knew perfect English and French so I was embarrassed and downloaded Duolingo which allowed me to understand some basic things, then when I entered this university the first year I had a teacher who helped me . I treated him badly, which made me leave the field and start to be afraid of the Englishman. I put it aside as long as I could during my career until I began to consider what I want for my life, and in the academic and professional field, what I want. I come to the conclusion that I would like to do a master's degree abroad and experience what it is like to live abroad and I would like to develop in the field that I like in design, and for that I need English, without that tool. I can't, that's why I started trying to manage the fear through English, to manage this fear I started studying while I had time, and now on Fridays I have private classes that have allowed me to advance in my English.

I started a little late to practice English continuously, I still can't dedicate as much time to it as I would like, due to the academic load at the university, but I think that from the beginning of the year until today I have improved. I still can't speak, it's hard for me because I have a very bad memory and I forget the words, which has hindered my learning and progress, but as soon as I can dedicate more time to it I will do it.

As for the cultural aspect of this language, I think it is interesting. If I'm honest, I never paid attention to the language in this regard. Although I have always liked British culture like so many European cultures, I believe that these have been part of the most important processes in history. I am not in favor of the monarchy, but the British culture is worthy of admiration, as it has remained. intact during all these years trying to evolve within the new eras, and cunningly facing complex moments, such as when in the First World War they decide to change their surname to Windsor so that the subjects do not believe that the monarchy is bombing them.

I think that learning a language is super important for personal development, as I came to understand it as an adult, but it is a very good tool to face the professional world.



                                                                    See you in the nex post!


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