A Mexico Lankmark


Today I will talk about a landmark that I like, the truth is that I have not traveled much nor do I know many places, but the year 2020 I traveled with my sisters to Mexico, we went to different places including Chichen Itza, which is in the Yucatan Peninsula. This is one of the 7 wonders of the world, it is surrounded by small pyramids and this one stands out above the others. 

This is a very cultural place, they explain everything about the Mayan history and the theories that exist around it, it is a place full of archeology, in a place where you could feel a different energy than in other places, they explained that this happened because of the sacrifices that the Mayas made to have a prosperous year. In a sector around the pyramid you could hear the sound of a bird coming from it which made it very interesting, it is not a pyramid that you can climb because they take care of the fact that it is maintained over the years and when you climb it deteriorates with the footsteps. All these things make it a special place because I had never felt those sensations, the only thing that overshadowed this place were the merchants who were desperately offering you things, if they had not been that way and had been more respectful it would be totally wonderful, but the environment in general is very nice.

                                                                      See you in the nex post!


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